Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his ultimate goal in life, and nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. – Thomas Jefferson
Our attitude defines the way we approach our world and the meaning we give to the circumstances of our lives. This, in turn, determines what we get out of life. Our attitude, therefore, determines, to a good extent, our ability to achieve our goals.
Your attitude is a combination of your values, beliefs, and expectations. If you have good values, positive beliefs, and confident expectations, you will have a positive, optimistic attitude toward yourself and the world around you.
Your attitude determines your behaviour which in turn shapes your personality. Thus, to cultivate a pleasant personality, it is important to cherish and live with strong positive values.
As with all things, the law of sowing and reaping comes into effect. The law says whatever you sow, you will reap. In other words, whatever you reap (personality) is what you’ve sown (attitude, values, beliefs). Interestingly, what you find is that, if you do not sow, you will still reap – but you will reap weeds. An uncultivated personality will automatically yield an unpleasing personality.
Below are 10 behaviours (inspired by Napoleon Hill) that yield an unpleasing personality and are sure to drive people and opportunities away from you. I believe you will reckon with most of them.
01. Indifference in listening while others are speaking. This is sure to be noticed and resented. One is always apt to learn while listening to others but one learns nothing while listening to oneself.
02. Finding fault with the world at large. Always seeing the negative and calling out the wrong in everything. Rather, talk more about things that are right and, in speaking about things you believe are wrong, be constructive and positive.
03. The attempt to flatter where flattery is obviously not deserved. This puts people on notice that the flatterer wants something he probably should not get.
04. Sarcasm, expressed by insinuations and wisecracks which are not so wise
05. Openly and directly challenging people with whom one may not agree, where there is no obvious reason to do so, except the desire to be on the opposite side.
06. Volunteering unsolicited advice to others who have not requested or desired it. Free advice is worth just what it costs, which is nothing but the patience with which to listen to it.
07. Speaking of one’s physical ailments, worries, and personal problems at the disinterest of others. This usually does not make one seem pleasing. Rather, talk about things of interest to those you are speaking.
08. Endeavoring to convey the impression of superiority through the use of words and topics unfamiliar to others. Rather, learn to negotiate with others on their own level, through terms which they understand. It is nothing noble to be superior to others, true nobility is being superior to one’s fears.
09. Envy of those who are successful. Truly great people are generous, sympathetic and joyous of the success of others.
10. Obvious pride and vanity expressed by either words or actions. Usually expressed by passing condescending comments, monopolizing conversations or disregarding the opinions of others.
Let me know in the comment section, which other behaviours you resent in others or you believe causes people to have an unpleasing personality.