Remote Work Team Canvas (Download Link)

Big thanks to my colleagues at Netlight – Cecilia Thorsén, Mario Wandpflug, Victor Birath and Sarah Rygart who came up with the initiative and created the canvas.

What Is It?

The tool is used to align a team on remote processes, culture, task management and other agreement the team would like to have. The result is a motivated and aligned team with a heightened potential for awesome deliveries!

How Can I Use It?

A workshop with this canvas can, for example, be conducted as follow: 

  • Introduction: Explain the setting and purpose
  • Brain Dump: Take one area at a time and let your team generate ideas (one per post-it)
  • Discussion: Group and discuss the ideas
  • Agreement: The final goal is to agree on a common picture

Side note: For the “team members area”, let each team member generate one post-it with all the information on it. This helps to reduce the number of post-its used.

NOTE: Remote work team canvas is built upon by Alex Ivanov and Mitya Voloshchuk under the

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