On Purpose and Taking Actions

This is an excerpt from Liberty Dancehouse, a small book on personality and purpose by Kehinde FawumiGet a copy here

Life’s greatest challenge is knowing what to do – being able to clearly define one’s purpose. Our journey in life is simpler once we have a defined purpose for living. Living through life becomes simpler, not complicated. Thus, the key to simplifying life is clarity of purpose. With a clear purpose, we are able to prioritize the important and relevant things in our lives. It is frustrating to live life fulfilling the wrong assignment.

The feeling of living life with a clear purpose is liberating and ecstatic. True sense of fulfilment, inner peace and freedom comes when we finally discover what we are carved out for. A life with a clear purpose is a fulfilled life.

In our pursuits in life, we all journey towards our liberties; we seek true freedom from fears and worries. Everyone’s journey is different, but essentially, we all seek similar destinations. We are all driven by some dreams, visions, aspirations, passions, desires…by some music. The more interesting your music is, the more motivated you are to actualize it. It is our music that draws us towards our purpose, and keeps us going in the face of challenges.

Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared to believe that something inside of them was superior to their circumstances. Every achiever has always understood the necessity of having an innate desire and passion, strong enough to keep them unwavering in the face of difficulties in the pursuit of their goals.

However, most of us are afraid to follow our passion because of the fears we nurture in our lives. We magnify our seeming inabilities, disadvantages, obstacles, lacks, deficiencies, negative situations and adversities; and blame our inactions on them.

In order to attain our desires, we must maintain a strong passion and positivity about our lives. We have all it takes to become whatever we wish ourselves to be. Whatsoever you desire of good is yours. Only stretch your hand and possess it. Start out now, grasp the positive and be positive.

If you are not comfortable with your present lifestyle, then take actions to change it. You are responsible for what you are presently and your actions and decisions today will ultimately determine what you will become tomorrow. So spend quality time to discover yourself. If you don’t know what you want, every dung will be meal.

Take actions in line with your purpose. Dance. If needed, change your patterns and challenge your norms, shun negative habits, embrace happiness. You can always make happen whatever you’ve always wanted by the actions you take today.

Heroes have a rough time because they stand up when they ought not to, they speak when they ought not to; they always have to go that extra mile to attain their dreams. They dance.

George Foreman

Fulfilment does not come by chance, it comes by dance!

Liberty Dancehouse by Kehinde Fawumi

This article was first published on LinkedIn. Read it here.