Growth is a process of learning. There is no part of life that does not contain its lessons. If you are alive, there are lessons to be learned. Here are 12 things I learnt since I started thinking for myself.
01 #JustDoIt
We learn to do a thing by doing it. There is no other way.
02 #SelfActualizationIsLifeLong
Self-actualization is a lifelong process. It is designed that way. “There” is just a new version of “here”. When your “there” has become a “here,” you will simply obtain another “there” that will again look better than “here”.
03 #CreateNotCompete
Here is how to be great. Rise above competition and be creative. Think original thoughts and bless the world with your own creations. Excellence is not being the best, it is being your best!
04 #LeapBeforeYouLook
Leap before you look. Doing what you fear makes your fear disappear. Face your fears.
05 #HaveCourage
The opposite of courage is conformity. It is the ability of a man to stay true to his own ideals, unmoved by the enticing mediocrity of commonness that truly defines courage.
06 #ChallengeTheRules
Rules are for the obedience of the coward and the guidance of wise men. To be able to change things, you must be ready to challenge existing rules and initiate new ones.
07 #ExploreOtherRealities
There is no need to be ‘right’ all the time. Seek to understand others who disagree with you on a topic. Respect ‘where they are coming from’. In doing so, you are able to learn from their perspectives and explore other realities.
08 #Trust
Trust is the willingness to be vulnerable. There is no need to hold-off on trusting people until they “earn your trust”. Asking someone to “earn your trust” often means you are asking them not to make any mistake. Trusting is a decision we must make knowing that there are no guarantees. It is signing up to work through hurt when it arises.
09 #YourAnswersLieInsideYou
Look primarily to yourself for answers to your questions. The world doesn’t decide what is right or wrong for you, you do. Have absolute faith in your own perceptions of truth and act accordingly. But be sure to listen to God.
10 #BeSuperiorToYourFears
There is nothing noble in being superior to one’s fellow man; true nobility is being superior to one’s fears.
11 #SeekToUnderstand
Always seek to understand. Ask questions like: “Do you mean … [repeat what was said in your own words]”. Most conflicts arise not because of what was said, but what we thought was said. The same is true for the circumstances of our lives – not what happened, but what we thought happened.
12 #DoNotHoldGrudge
You hurt yourself when you keep a grudge or seek revenge. The thought of revenge is unproductive and negative. Holding a negative thought impresses negativity on your subconscious mind which affects you – you, not your offender.